J A S O N / N G U Y E N


Portrait of Jason, in black and white graphic art style

Chao, I’m Jason Nguyen!

I am a product designer working to create beautiful, useful, and delightful digital products everyone can use. I freelance with Jason When Design, currently focusing on mobile apps.

I believe that design could change the world, little by little. A world where technology is accessible for every human experience is a just world. I am involved in the UX community, and I’m passionate about inclusion. My proudest public speaking moment is when I gave a talk for UXPA on what inclusive design teams can learn from drag culture. I won a conference award in 2019, writing about my transition from coder to UXer. I served the UXPA Minnesota board as Program Director for the 2021-2022 term, creating monthly programs for the local Twin Cities UX community.

I love cats, sci-fi, and spend a lot of time with my ever changing hobbies, like rare house plants, woodworking, interior design, making art, or travel.

Send me a note if you want to collaborate or just chat!